Call for Papers
Final submission
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ECMR is an internationally open biennial European forum, allowing researchers to learn about and discuss the latest accomplishments and innovations in mobile robotics and mobile human-robot systems. ECMR 2017 is the 8th edition of the conference, and will be held in Paris, France. ECMR will provide keynote sessions, original presentations about research in progress and it will be organized in single track mode to favor discussions.
ECMR welcomes articles describing fundamental developments in the field of mobile robotics, with special emphasis on autonomous systems. An important goal of this conference is to extend the state of the art in both symbolic and sensory based mobile robot design, control and learning in the context of autonomous systems, featuring interdisciplinary approaches from computer science, control systems, electrical engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, and other fields. Mobile robots and intelligent machines and systems are critical in areas such as industrial applications; service and personal assistants; space, underwater, and remote exploration; entertainment; safety, search, and rescue; agriculture applications and intelligent vehicles. Special emphasis is placed on intelligent machines and systems and perception for unstructured environments, where a significant portion of the environment is unknown and cannot be directly sensed or controlled.
Articles on the theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of autonomous systems, or modules of such systems are strongly encouraged in several aspects of research on mobile robots and machine intelligence, including, but not limited to:
- Robot Perception: Vision, Range Sensing, Inertial and propreoceptive sensing, Sensor Fusion
- Robot Mobility: Mapping, Localization, Navigation, SLAM, Exploration
- Planning and Algorithms: Motion Planning, Task Planning, Coordination, Complexity and Completeness, Computational Geometry, Simulation
- Estimation and Learning for Robotic Systems: Reinforcement Learning, Bayesian Techniques, Graphical Models, Imitation Learning, Programming by Demonstration
- Field Robotics: Underwater Robotics, Aerial/Space Robotics, Agricultural and Mining Robotics
- Distributed Robotics Systems: Multi-Robot Systems, Networked Robots, Swarm Robotics, Entertainment Robotics
- Human-Robot Interaction and Human Centered Systems: Brain-Machine Interfaces, Haptics, Tactile Interfaces, Telerobotics, Human Augmentation, Assistive Robots, Social Robots, Safe Interaction
- Micro/Nano Robotics: Humanoids, Legged Systems, Snakes, Novel Actuators, Reconfigurable Robots, Micro/Nanobot
Conference Format
ECMR is organized in single track to favour discussion and interactions, accompanied with poster sessions and keynote speeches.
Paper Submission and Review
Authors are invited to submit original contributions in English not exceeding 6 pages of the two column conference format. However, for final submission, 2 additional pages will be allowed, but at an extra charge. To submit your paper, you can do so using the EasyChair platform:
All papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the Programme Committee. Accepted papers will be published with DOI and ISBN in the conference proceedings, available upon arrival at the meeting and online. As in the past, papers presented at the conference will be published in IEEE Xplore, and selected authors will be invited to submit expanded and revised versions for a special issue in the journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
Submissions are expected in the IEEE format. You can prepare your paper using the available LaTEX or Microsoft Word templates and following these paper preparation instructions. Make sure to have the latest templates and do not change the formatting in any way.